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About Me

financial literacy

About Me

Together we will change your children's financial future

Hello there.
I am Björn Nübel a financial expert who completed his training as a banker over two decades ago. I studied banking and banking supervision in Germany, then business administration in Switzerland and Chile.
I have been working in the financial industry for over 20 years.
As the father to a lovely daughter who is a digital native, I am aware of the challenges of the “brave new world”. This is a topic that is particularly close to my heart. My approach to financial literacy is that the earlier you teach children how to handle money, the more successful they will be with it in the future.

Benefits Of financial literacy

Why should your child learn financial literacy?

Financial literacy is an important life skill that every child should learn. It helps children understand the value of money, the importance of saving, and the basics of budgeting. With the increasing importance of financial literacy, many organizations and services have started offering financial literacy programs and services for children.
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